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Our Dinosaur Universe

Here you get an overview of our dinosaur families

Eine detailreiche Illustration des Dinosaurier-Universums des Dino Fino Verlags, das in den Geschichten vorkommt. Im Vordergrund steht ein hölzernes Schild mit der Aufschrift „Echsheim“, das auf den Namen dieser fantastischen Welt hinweist. Zahlreiche Dinosaurier und andere Saurier-Charaktere versammeln sich auf einer futuristisch gestalteten Landschaft, die von großen, schimmernden Planeten und einem Sternenhimmel umgeben ist.  Links fliegen Pterodaktylen mit Capes, während rechts ein großer Hai mit Sonnenbrille und Lutschkugel grimmig schaut. Die Charaktere sind in lebendigen Farben und mit individuellen Designs gezeichnet, was die Vielfalt der Welt betont. Die Szene vermittelt eine lebendige, intergalaktische Atmosphäre voller Abenteuer und Fantasie.

Dino, Feodora and their parents

Rickbert Rexkowski and his family

Manzetti family

The Knoblèr family - always at the forefront

Parmakickel family

Lucinda Parmakickel, called Lucy, a self-confident and spirited dinosaur with a penchant for adventure, close friend of Sauriah Knoblèr and Stegine


Lucinda, one of the "Ecstatic Three", is called Lucy by everyone. She is quite self-confident and has two older brothers. Hence her big mouth. Together with Sauriah and Stegine, she has made it her task to educate the cheeky Ricky a little. The three friends are a tight-knit girl gang and stand up for each other.
Philomena Parmakickel, the wise and caring mother of Lucinda Parmakickel (“Lucy”), with a watchful eye and a lot of heart for her family.


Lucys Mutter Philomena hat bereits zwei ältere Söhne . Die wohnen aber schon nicht mehr zu Hause. Philomena macht viel Yoga und kennt sich ziemlich gut mit Naturheilverfahren aus. Lucinda und ihre Mama verstehen sich wirklich gut.
Balduin Parmakickel, the charismatic and experienced director of the museum in Echsheim, father of Lucinda Parmakickel (“Lucy”) and partner of Philomena Parmakickel.


Balduin Parmakickel ist schon ein wenig in die Jahre gekommen und deutlich älter als Philomena. Lucy ist es oft peinlich, wenn man ihn hin und wieder für ihren Opa hält. Aber er ist im Herzen ein ziemlich jung gebliebener Typ. Balduin arbeitet im Echsheimer Museum. Er interessiert sich für ziemlich alles, was mit Kunst und Kultur zu tun hat.

Schemelmeier family

Stegine Schemelmeier, called Gini, a shy but warm-hearted dinosaur who is often underestimated but has loyal friends at her side


We know Stegine Schemelmeier better by her nickname Gini. She is an only child and a rather shy girl. Her parents work a lot and unfortunately have very little time for her. But Sauriah and Lucinda are firmly by her side. They don't mind at all that Stegine doesn't speak much. But you shouldn't underestimate her. Because she's always good for a surprise.
Sieglinde Schemelmeier, an ambitious businesswoman with little time for her daughter Stegine Schemelmeier, but a strong will and a clear mind.


Gini's mother Sieglinde Schemelmeier is a businesswoman through and through. There are far too few hours in her day. She sometimes feels guilty because she has so little time for her daughter. But when the new furniture arrives, it takes priority again.
Alfons Schemelmeier, a business-minded dinosaur who works hard to give his daughter Stegine Schemelmeier a better future than he had in his childhood.


This is Stegine's father, Alfons Schemelmeier. He didn't have an easy life as a young dinosaur, because his parents only had a few lizards. That's why he works as much as he can. He wants his daughter to have a better life, no matter what. But for Stegine, money isn't everything...

Frzettskosczewzyvilli family

Edgar Frzettskosczewzyvilli, an intelligent and somewhat clumsy dinosaur with an unusual name and distinctive accent, who remains calm despite many challenges


Edgar comes from a faraway country, and that's why he speaks in an unusual way. He is a new student in Dino and Ricky's class. His last name is a real tongue twister: his name is Edgar Frzettskosczewzyvilli. Nobody can pronounce it. Edgar is a tinkerer. He can fix pretty much anything that's broken. His parents are agents, which doesn't make his life any easier. And Edgar is increasingly stepping in when his mother and her colleagues need help. His father disappeared some time ago. But Edgar is sure: he will see him again.
Svetlana Frzettskosczewzyvilli, a clever and determined agent who, as the mother of Edgar Frzettskosczewzyvilli, remains always vigilant and completes her missions with precision.


Svetlana is Edgar's mom; she's a pretty cool secret agent. She works for Sauropol and has already caught quite a few gangsters. She currently lives alone with Edgar on the Mammoth Trail. Her main task is to search for the boss. But in reality she's looking for her missing husband. She's convinced that they're gradually getting closer to solving the mystery. There may be a connection between her husband's disappearance and this mysterious gangster boss.
Igor Frzettskosczewzyvilli, the missing secret agent, with a determined look on his face on a secret mission.


Well, you can tell at first glance: This is Edgar's father, Igor. He also works for Sauropol and has been missing for some time. He hasn't returned from a mission for two years. Svetlana and her colleagues from Sauropol are working flat out to find Igor. Will they succeed?

Vielhaber family

Spinosa Vielhaber, the talented violin girl, courageously questions social structures.


Spinosa is a well-behaved girl from a good family. She plays the violin and is taught privately at home. She does not attend a public school. Her father keeps her away from other children as best he can so that she does not get caught up in mischief. If that isn't a mistake in thinking, then maybe she already has something up her sleeve?!
Lucrezia Vielhaber fühlt sich zwischen zwei Welten gefangen: Während ihr Mann Gottlieb Vielhaber das ruhige Leben in Echsheim bevorzugt, sehnt sie sich nach den gehobenen Kreisen von Bonzenberg.


Allow me to introduce myself: Lucrezia Vielhaber. She does not entirely share her husband Gottlieb's opinion. She quite enjoyed life in high society in Bonzenberg. That is why she commutes back and forth between the bustling capital and tranquil Echsheim. That is, after all, what the air taxi is for.
Gottlieb Vielhaber, der Bankdirektor von Echsheim, strebt nach Stabilität und wirtschaftlicher Sicherheit. Sein realistischer Blick auf Finanzen steht oft im Kontrast zu den idealistischen Ansichten seiner Tochter Spinosa.


This is bank director Gottlieb Vielhaber. He came with his family from Bonzenberg to live a quieter life. He was a big name in the capital. And because he had so much money, he was constantly worried about his family. It all became too much for him, so he now runs the bank in Echsheim.
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